2022 B4SI (APAC) Conference Overview

Dec 8, 2022 | News

Overview of the B4SI (APAC) conference plenary sessions
Considering the growing expectations for business transparency and credible disclosures in social impact, the goal of this year’s B4SI conference was to share practical knowledge and meaningful insights to inspire change and positive action by business towards greater societal impact.

Conference Keynote Address – S&P Global Sustainable 1
The theme of the conference was “Framing the Future of Social Impact”, and we heard a keynote address from Naho Nakakubo at S&P Global Sustainable1, providing:
– insights into the specific ‘S’ data points of interest to the investor community;
– a look at the opportunities and risks for businesses associated with the growing interest in the ‘S’ with illustrative examples, and;
– an overview of emerging social impact trends and expectations including a detailed look at the importance of human rights due diligence and the steps involved in undertaking this kind of work.
Watch the APAC Conference keynote address here.

Conference Panel Session #1 – Framing the Future of Social Impact
Following the keynote address, Miguel Oyarbide hosted a panel discussion with three experts including Naho, Jo Osorio from Edelman and Janet Liu from ANZ (and B4SI APAC Steering Committee Co-Chair), covering what has changed over the last 20+ years including the significance of the introduction of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the resulting changes in corporate policies and actions; growing regulation and the material nature of ESG risk factors; rising community expectations; and the significance of the opportunity inherent in the trust that employees have for their employers. Panellists also shared their insights and tips on how to keep ‘S’ at the top of the business agenda and retain the current momentum. The importance of engagement was highlighted in addition to practical tips for driving relevance with stakeholder groups. And much more.
Watch the first panel discussion – Framing the Future of Social Impact

Conference Panel Session #2 – The Challenges of Social Impact
In the afternoon Thomas Milburn hosted a panel discussion on the Challenges of Social Impact with four experts including Dr Sara Bice from the Australian National University, Sarah Downie from the Shared Value Project, Linda French from Beach Energy and Mindy Leow from BLab.

Prior to the conference our team conducted some research amongst the practitioner network which informed the discussion that took place during this panel session. We heard from practitioners across the Asia Pacific region about the challenges they are facing right now, and our panellists reflected on these findings and responded with practical advice to overcome these challenges and identified the opportunities to move forward together.

This panel session was fascinating and wide ranging and featured inspiring and practical advice for tackling the significant societal challenges we’re facing. Significantly there’s evidence to suggest that organisations are shifting their business models to support more effective engagement with societal issues and everyone in the room and online was given reason to be encouraged about the progress that’s been made and to remain hopeful and buoyed to keep moving forward.
Watch the second panel discussion – The Challenges of Social Impact

A big thank you to Miguel, Thomas, and our expert panelists for a considerable contribution to the conference and for generously sharing knowledge and expertise.

B4SI Social Impact Compass – launching 2023!
Our APAC Director Simon Robinson shared the newest B4SI innovation with delegates at this year’s conference – and since then, there’s much excitement and buzz about this tool – the Social Impact Compass. The tool is in final production and we’re expecting to be able to make it available to practitioners for a fee, as part of a consulting package in early 2023. If you’d like to express early interest and have the B4SI team contact you as soon as it is available, please complete this form and we’ll be in touch to arrange a discussion in early 2023.
Watch the Social Impact Compass soft launch presentation here.

On the day, we held workshops dedicated to the B4SI tools and resources in addition to workshops focussed on broader sustainability knowledge and skills.

If you’d like to learn more about the B4SI (APAC) conference content or book a B4SI introductory meeting with our team for the new year, please email us on b4si@corporate-citizenship.com.