I am an MBA candidate at the Heller School of Social Policy and Management at Brandeis, graduating in December 2022. Prior to Heller, I spent six years advancing sustainability and social impact at an international NGO, One Earth Future Foundation (OEF). At OEF, I worked for the Secure Fisheries program which focuses on advancing sustainable fisheries in Somalia as a means of improving livelihoods and preventing resource conflict. I selected the Heller MBA program to translate my background into advancing impact in the private sector. At Heller, I conducted a team consulting project on developing socially responsible carbon offsets in the coffee industry and currently help lead the Impact Investing and ESG group.
Areas of expertise:
My expertise is in sustainable resource management, fisheries sector, strategy and evaluation, gender equity, and research and communications. I am also a certified project management professional (PMP), with experience leading projects in the US and Somalia.
Person I most admire:
There are so many people I admire, but someone that immediately comes to mind in the ESG space is Joan Bavaria, the founder of Trillium Asset Management, because of her work in spearheading socially responsible investing and raising the bar for corporate impact.