LBG Model Cited in FTSE 100 Corporate Giving Report

Aug 15, 2014 | News

The LBG model, used to measure corporate community investment has been cited in the FTSE 100 Corporate Giving Report by CAF.

Yesterday the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) released a report titled Corporate Giving by the FTSE 100 – citing the LBG model as the method of calculating corporate giving.

The report by CAF aims to establish the state of corporate giving amongst some of the UK’s biggest companies, both in terms of the public’s perceptions of their corporate giving and wider corporate responsibility activities, and the reality of what they themselves report.

Corporate giving describes the donations made by companies to charitable causes. In this report, corporate giving has been defined as the total contribution by a company as calculated by the LBG model – one of the most commonly used methods by corporations. The LBG model is used to measure and assess total corporate community investment, assessing the true value and impact of such investments to both business and society.

The report by CAF highlights how despite the effects of the recession, corporate giving has risen by £1.2bn since 2007. But people remain sceptical. When asked how many FTSE 100 companies make donations to charity every year, the average guess was just over a third. The reality is quite different – nearly all of the FTSE 100 companies (98%) – report giving every year. In 2012 all 100 reported making a donation.

Read the full report here.

If you are interested in using the LBG model to measure your own corporate community investment please get in touch.
