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Peter Truesdale OBE

Areas of Expertise
For Corporate Citizenship, I lead on Codes of Conduct, external standards and Investor-facing indices such as DJSI and MSCI.Background:
I’ve been working in corporate responsibility/sustainability for a quarter of a century now. Prior to Corporate Citizenship I worked for Esso in the UK.Client & Project experience:
Having worked for clients on every continent, I have delivered projects across the whole value chain from sourcing to product use. I love helping clients to make their reporting more effective, and relish working with clients to improve on-the-ground performance by applying external standards and indices. I’ve worked with clients in many different industries ranging from Royal Mail Group to Mars, from Diageo to Barclays.

Person I most admire:
I’m congenitally averse to idolisation. However, like so many people in our industry I have learned lots from David Logan!


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