This time it’s not leaves on the line

Jul 22, 2011 | Blogs

So Network Rail have trouble hiring staff.

Is that any surprise given their consistent failings? Not really.

What is surprising is that even during the current economic climate, people can still afford to be selective about the kind of company they want to work for. You would think, given the scale of redundancy and restructuring programmes, employees would beating a path to their door.

But no.

It just goes to show how important reputation and upholding standards are. No one wants to work for a failing company. Not even when they are the last saloon in town.

But does the same hold true for bailed out financial institutions or firms convicted of bribery?

Ironically, given they were so complicit in the economic downturn; they seem to have so far escaped unscathed. Somehow their link to the markets seems to negate the need for them to stand up and be counted.