British Industry: Environmental dunces?

Nov 14, 2011 | Blogs

Time was when British industry only got into the news because of strike action.  That’s now decades in the past.  Now one can barely switch on to the Today programme without hearing some captain of industry telling us that the there is no fat-cat pay problem or that theSt Paul’s protestors are just a bit doo-lally.

About environment though radio silence.

Having seen the CRC league table one can understand why.  Worst still money is being left on the table.  WSP Environment & Energy consultancy reckons “…companies could reduce UK carbon emissions by a total 100,000 tonnes, cut £12m off their energy bills, and avoid having to buy £1.2m of CRC allowances, simply by installing smart meters.”

Sounds like a no-brainer.  Maybe the top bosses can give it some attention when they’ve stopped educating us about the need for tip-top remuneration for UK plc to stay competitive.