Austerity and sustainability: Get over it!

Nov 17, 2011 | Blogs

Stonewall recently ran some ads with the strap-line: “Some people are gay. Get over it!” I am going to pay for some ads that say “Some governments are broke. Get over it!”

Ernst & Young are the latest offender. Their ‘shock’ exclusive story is that : “A worsening of the euro zone debt crisis could increase a climate funding gap to $45 billion by 2015 as governments struggle to maintain levels of climate change investment due to austerity measures”

You don’t say! Well, I’ll go to the top of our street! And thank you for the reminder that you sell consultancy services in this area.

Instead of this spate of non-stories wouldn’t it be better if the super-heated egg-heads in consultancy could concentrate on how governments could deliver the same policy objectives for less cash?