Let’s hear it for Tesco: a dialogue

Nov 30, 2011 | Blogs

“OK folks let’s hear it for Tesco!

Tesco: the inventor of clone town Britain! (Boo! Boo!)

Tesco: who want to open their 14th (!) store in Cambridge (How greedy can you get? Boo!)

Tesco: who…

… who? Who is that man over there who is cheering when I say Tesco? Outrageous!

“Err well actually he’s from India. In fact, he is the Chief Economist. He thinks Tesco’s investment can help curb rampant food inflation, cut endemic food waste from poor infrastructure and help India’s poorest afford more staple foods.”

“Doesn’t know what he’s talking about! Tesco! Food for the poor? Huh! Clone town Mumbai more like it. All the little shops will close. Excuse me. Must dash. I want to get to Waitrose before it closes.”