Adair Turner, Green Loony?

Dec 22, 2011 | Blogs

I saw the headline.

I read it.

It said: “’Green deal’ will fail, government’s climate advisers warn”.

I thought: “They’re at it again. The green lobby moan. Moan, moan, moan”.

But no.

It turns out that the attack on the government comes not from a sandal-wearer with a flat in Kemptown. It is from Lord Turner former CEO of the CBI, Chair of the FSA, member of the House of Lords…need I say more.

The heart of his grouse is that the government’s plans don’t do enough to transform home energy efficiency; worse that the plans don’t use the limited funds effectively.

The fact is that in this panto season Home Energy Efficiency is Cinderella. While the boys play with their Meccano deciding whether to build cool new nuclear plants or a natty little wave power scheme, Cinderella sits sad and underfunded in the corner with only Buttons for company.

All too often the green energy debate is dominated by the squawks of those who want to lay their hands on taxpayer subsidy. One has a sneaking suspicion that this contribution to the debate deserves a bit more consideration.