Social Media Sustainability Index

Feb 3, 2012 | Blogs

Welcome to the world of social media! If you’re reading this blog then take some satisfaction that you’ve already made the first steps. But what comes next?

Up to now getting a handle on the state of play in social media for sustainability has definitely been a case of jump in and see whether the water’s lovely (or not). But at last -all of us that believe social media offers sustainability communications something special – have a standard bearer in the comprehensive work of Matthew Yeomans.

Published last week, Yeomans’ Social Media Sustainability Index is more than just the top 100 social influencers that its name suggests -it’s a selection of savvy articles on what’s what in social media and sustainability. Some of its themes are sensible transpositions of communications good practice, such as the section on story-telling, but the 50 page report is also littered with real world critique – mainly taken from the global great and good. While the top 100 will be quickly out-of-date, the themes and concepts Yeomans covers are likely to endure and are applicable to practitioners looking to reach out without the budgets, or audiences, of Pepsico or Ford.

How social media is working in the mainstream sustainability communications mix is part of Corporate Citizenship’s research project into the future of sustainability communications due for publication later this year.

Download the report here.