Corporate Citizenship helps to launch ‘Youth Labs’ Programme

Jul 22, 2014 | News

Corporate Citizenship has helped to launch a new Chime ‘Youth Labs’ initiative today in London.

The ‘Youth Labs’ initiative was created by the Chime Communications Youth Board earlier this year in order to bring a diverse group of 16-21 year old’s into Chime. The initiative has the dual purpose of offering the young group a unique insight into the inner workings of a global communications network whilst offering Chime an insight into the elusive ‘youth’ audience.

During their week at Chime, the ‘Youth Labs’ panel of twelve 16-21 year olds will be immersed within the Chime network of companies; having daily briefings on each part of the business as well as being set challenges and projects to complete each day.  The panel will remain on-board for the remainder of the year; being called on for three additional days to provide insight to Chime companies.

Throughout the programme the panel will be given the opportunity to share their thoughts on brand marketing, demonstrate the way in which they use new media and technologies to communicate and offer Chime a window into this ever-changing target group.

Today Corporate Citizenship hosted a session on sustainability and responsibility, working with the  group to gauge their opinions and views on sustainability and responsibility. With group exercises, open debates and some thought provoking questions the session was insightful for all. Corporate Citizenship will be reviewing the feedback from the day and sharing the findings within the next few weeks.

An interesting and intriguing day for all involved.

Find out more about the youth labs initiative here