Tax: Lidl not on the fiddle

Jul 23, 2014 | Blogs

Company pays right amount of tax!

Shock! Hold the front page! (Or at least put in on BBC News and feature it in the Today programme).

The company in question is Lidl.

Lidl paid “more than £25m” in corporation tax in 2013.  The eggheads at Kantar Retail reckon that’s an effective rate of about 20% – comparable to peer companies.

Competitor Morrisons commented: “It’s absolutely the right thing for Lidl to do…It’s just a pity they have taken such a long time.” So not everyone is pleased!

Yet most UK taxpayers will be glad. Most but not all.

Most British multinationals that do not publish country-by-country taxes paid.  We have outlined the reasons for doing in our most recent tax paper.  Yet the general response remains: “That’s far too difficult”.

Yet if Lidl can do this why can’t they?