Latest sustainability articles published

Aug 6, 2014 | News

Our latest sustainability articles have been published on the CCBriefing website

  • Volunteering for Skills – Jonathan Birdwell says that employee volunteering schemes are good for business – but must be accompanied by a radical culture change. Jonathan is head of Citizenship and Political Participation at Demos, and co-author of the Scouting for Skills report.
  • Business finding its voice: The rise of campaigning and advocacy in sustainability strategies – as businesses become increasingly outspoken in big debates, Frances Buckingham outlines the key elements of effective corporate activism. Frances is a freelance sustainability professional and editor of SustainAbility’s quarterly Radar magazine.
  • Green bonds: Step towards a green economy – new forms of financing for investment can help us transition to a sustainable economy, if we first get clear about who benefits, says Mike Tuffrey. Mike is Co-founding Director of Corporate Citizenship.
  • Big data: Using the information for good – Megan Stoffer looks at the opportunities created in CSR by ‘big data’, and asks where companies’ responsibilities lie when collecting and analyzing information. Megan is senior researcher at Corporate Citizenship.


Articles are published monthly and we welcome all suggestions and submissions for future pieces. Please get in touch if you would like to contribute.