Latest Sustainable Thinking from RBS, UN Global Compact and More

Nov 18, 2014 | News

In CCBriefing ‘Speaking Out‘ this month, RBS, UN Global Compact and Maxwell Stamp PLC share their latest sustainability thinking.

Check out the latest insights:

Andrew Cave, Chief Sustainability Officer at RBS. writes about The rise of the see through business. Online people-power means an increasing number of businesses are seeing transparency as an opportunity, writes Andrew Cave.

Melissa Powell is Head of Business for Peace at the UN Global Compact and discusses how Business plays a critical role in advancing peace. One year since its foundation, the UN Global Compact’s Business for Peace initiative is already achieving tangible results.

Andrew Britton is a Managing Consultant at Maxwell Stamp PLC, the international development consultancy. Andrew shares his thoughts in his Let’s not be blinkered about palm oil article.

Additional articles include ‘disclose or die‘ and ‘the business case for corporate volunteering‘.

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