New strategic Partnership between Corporate Citizenship Inc. and Clean Agency announced

Apr 24, 2015 | News

Corporate Citizenship Inc. is proud to announce a new strategic partnership between Corporate Citizenship Inc. and Clean Agency in North America.

Over that last thirteen years, Clean Agency’s service offerings have primarily been built around environmental issues in corporate sustainability.  Since 1997 Corporate Citizenship Ltd, a global business consulting firm in London, New York, San Francisco, Santiago, and Singapore, has been advising companies on corporate responsibility using simplified approaches to deliver long-term value for business and society.

Together our two companies see an opportunity to entice consumers by redefining a brand’s purpose through the lens of environmental, social, and economic trends.  Megan DeYoung, Director of Corporate Citizenship Inc., commented that “Brands that want to be successful now must recognize that they do not operate outside of environmental, social, and economic forces.  Rather brands and these forces are linked and consumers are excited by products that play a clear role in society.”

To meet a market need, our companies have developed a new Brand Purpose service specifically for marketing and branding professionals in North America.  Brand Purpose will allow marketers an opportunity to look at their brand’s mission and vision more holistically to understand the economic, social and environmental value that the brand offers.

“In my twenty five years of marketing experience I see more and more that today’s consumers want to know about the social, environmental and economic “footprint” or “impact” of what they buy.  They want to feel good about the products they purchase,” states Seri McClendon, CEO of Clean Agency.

For more information about our Brand Purpose services, please get in touch with either Megan DeYoung – or Seri McClendon –