Ana Amar joins Chilean Chamber of Commerce webinar on ESG direction

Jul 3, 2020 | News

Congratulations to Ana for being a panellist on a webinar organized by BRITCHAM (Chilean Chamber of Commerce) to draw the “umbrella” framework of  ESG topics for companies, first in the global context and then in relation to Chile. The panel, which included AMSA (Corp Affairs Manager), BUPA (CEO) and Engie (OHS Manager), also explored a global perspective on the ESG indicators that will change priority in light of the COVID impacts, now that the world has “awakened”.

Using our recent Impact of Covid-19: A story of resilience and renewed commitment paper Ana had a global perspective to share, which BRITCHAM have now used as follow up with their members.  If your Spanish is up to it, you can listen to the recording here.

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