Assurance & Verification

Building trust and credibility


Reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, in addition to financial performance, has become a mainstream business practice that is expected by capital markets. Creditors and investors are paying increased attention to these disclosures. However, for many companies, reporting credible, comparable and consistent performance data in a timely manner can be a challenge.

External third-party assurance and verification can help to address this challenge; assessing and confirming the accuracy and completeness of data collection, management and reporting. We add value through assurance and verification and provide useful management information that strengthens reporting systems, company performance and the quality of disclosures made.

Relevant Client Work

EDF Energy Assurance Provider

How we support our clients

Assuring sustainability/ESG reports including qualitative and quantitative data 

Assuring environmental data: including GHG emissions, energy, waste, water and more

Assuring social data: including health and safety, employee and community investment data and more

Aligned to the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 and used in conjunction with relevant standards and frameworks, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and AccountAbility’s AA1000. 

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