Our Partners

Accion Empresas
Accion Empresas is an organization that brings together more than 130 companies determined to manage their businesses in a sustainable way, under a logic of competitiveness and sustainability. In Chile, they represent the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and through various instances they seek to position business sustainability as a necessary business vision for the construction of a more inclusive and egalitarian society.

3BL distributes environmental, social and governance (ESG), corporate social responsibility (CSR), and sustainability news and content. Content formats include press releases, blogs, videos, whitepapers, newsletters, research reports, podcasts, event announcements and more. Content is distributed by 3BL on behalf of its clients and partners including corporations, nonprofits, NGOs, and agencies.

Company of Goods
Company of Good connects organisations to do good strategically, sustainably and impactfully, connecting like-minded organisations to learn, network and collaborate for good. The Company of Good programme was developed by the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) – the steward of the City of Good vision for Singapore, where individuals, organisations, and leaders come together to give their best for others.

Good2Give (formerly Charities Aid Foundation) is a not-for-profit organisation that makes it easy for businesses and donors to give. They are committed to building a more giving society that supports the far-reaching and valuable work of the charity sector because we believe in working towards a bright future for everyone.

SRI Connect
SRI-CONNECT is an online global marketplace for SRI & corporate governance research and a meeting point for companies, investors and their respective advisors. It provides practical research resources and communications channels to accelerate the inclusion of sustainability and corporate governance factors in ‘mainstream’ analysis & investment.

World Circular Textiles
Corporate Citizenship is a proud signatory of World Circular Textiles Day, which is for anyone impassioned and excited by the vision for Full Circularity: 2050. The community includes circular technologies, intra- and entrepreneurs, brands, retailers, conveners, collectors, value chain producers, designers, policymakers, organisers, facilitators, campaigners – to make this happen.

B4SI is the globally recognised methodology used by hundreds of the world’s leading companies to articulate and measure the positive impact they have in the world. The B4SI Framework underpins the Community & Philanthropy question in the DJSI questionnaire, is reflected in the GRI standard and is recognised by the UN Global Compact as evidence for a company’s social impact narrative to stakeholders. It is run and managed by Corporate Citizenship.

Eco-Business is one of Asia Pacific’s leading media organisation on sustainable development. It is headquartered in Singapore, with offices in Manila, Beijing, and correspondents across major cities in Asia Pacific. Their mission is to help Asia Pacific’s businesses along an environmentally and socially responsible, low-carbon path by providing platforms for them to share ideas and best practices, advance public awareness and stimulate debate about sustainable development.

The UK’s professional body for corporate responsibility and sustainability (CRS) enabling individual members and Fellows to enhance their careers by honing skills, sharing knowledge and experience, connecting across sector boundaries, and gaining professional recognition for their achievements. For organisational members it provides open access to the world of CRS for all their people, extending a responsible business mindset across departments, and introducing the principles of CRS to all corners of their organisation.

As the worldwide alliance of environment and sustainability professionals, IEMA are working to make their businesses and organisations future-proof. Through their global sustainability standards and partnerships, they are driving understanding and uptake of crucial skills that will keep the world of business in business.

Science Based Targets
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets.

CC Briefing
Corporate Citizenship Briefing (CCBriefing) provides free daily news roundups covering responsible and sustainable business. It also offers a monthly analysis of the changing landscape for sustainable business.

The Chilean-British Chamber of Commerce
The Chilean-British Chamber of Commerce’s goal is to support the interests of our partners by creating opportunities for networking, offering them useful information, practical training and strengthening their corporate image.

United Nations Global Compact
As the Singapore chapter of the United Nations Global Compact, GCNS advances the stewardship of sustainable business practices and Singapore’s national agenda of becoming a regional sustainable business hub. They drive multi-stakeholder action to forge a more sustainable future, founded on the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals.

World Benchmarking Alliance
The mission of the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) is to build a movement to measure and incentivise business impact towards a sustainable future that works for everyone. WBA have identified seven transformations that need to take place to put society and the worldwide economy on a more sustainable path to achieve the SDGs. To turn these transformations into action, WBA develops in close collaboration with the Alliance a series of benchmarks assessing 2,000 of the world’s most influential companies, ranking and measuring them on their contributions to the SDGs.

Social Traders
Social Traders exist to broker the relationship between social enterprises and business and government buyers because buying from social enterprise represents the greatest untapped potential in generating positive, sustainable social impact.

Inclusive Australia
The movement works on the simple philosophy that bringing together people from different walks of life will help break down barriers and prejudices. In 2016, work began to better understand the issue of social inclusion in our country and how to achieve long-term societal change.