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Aída Jorquera


Areas of Expertise:
My work has been centered around sustainability. I have mostly worked in sustainability ratings, and I possess deep expertise in ESG assessment methodologies.

I studied sociology at Universidad Alberto Hurtado, where I developed an interest in solar energy. That led me to start my career on sustainability. I also studied abroad for one semester at Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore. I used to work at Moody’s ESG Solutions (former Vigeo Eiris), focusing on sustainable management in the food, beverage, and healthcare sectors.

Client and Project Experience:
I have worked across several industry sectors. At Corporate Citizenship, my most recent clients are among the bank industry and mining sector.

Person I most admire:
I prefer to stay close to home and say that my mom is the person I most admire. She defied the world and is still standing and fighting, with a strong sense for animal welfare, rescuing cats and dogs and doing her best to recycle and reutilize.