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Andres Schottlaender

Senior Consultant and B4SI Client Account Manager
With experience in the private, public and third sectors, before joining CC I worked in the Membership Team of Business in the Community, supporting companies from across the UK embed and advance their responsible business strategies, on top of managing transformation projects within the charity.
I started my career after studying Communication Sciences at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, working on purposeful brands marketing at Unilever for three years, as part of the company’s Future Leaders Programme. I then worked on corruption prevention policies in the government of my home province of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, where I supported state-owned enterprises develop Integrity Plans, as well as drafted legislation and managed policy implementation projects. I moved to the UK in 2018, where I completed an MSc in Global Governance and Ethics at UCL.Client and Project Experience
I have worked with companies in multiple sectors -legal, food manufacturing and utilities, among others- and on topics as varied as business purpose and strategy, charity partnerships, transition to net zero carbon or employee wellbeing. I currently support companies to apply the B4SI Frameworks in measuring the social impact of their initiatives.

Person I most admire
I admire people who silently make others’ lives better, through everyday actions or advocating arduous organisational and societal change. I admire collective activism movements, from environment to human rights, as they are the only route for true and durable change.