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Harrison Oosterwyk

My academic background is originally in Geography, where I completed a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Nottingham. My undergraduate dissertation focused on the socio-economic impacts of an expanding palm oil industry in Malaysian Borneo. This research focused heavily on the importance of achieving sustainability through policy legislation and regulative structure. This experience motivated me to keep learning, to which I completed a Masters degree, in Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment, at UCL. My academic research there focused on environmental resource measurement and assessment, corporate decarbonisation strategy and environmental econometrics. My Masters thesis aimed to evaluate UK economic policy and determine its effectiveness in achieving a low-carbon transition for the UK gas grid.

Person I most admire:
I am currently inspired by the work of Johan Rockström and his pursuit to communicate the stability and fragility of our ecosystem, through the concept of planetary boundaries. I consider the idea of “safe operating spaces for humanity” to be a compelling and digestible narrative for achieving global sustainability.