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Jamie Soong


Areas of Expertise:
At Corporate Citizenship, I work to deliver on sustainability strategy, reporting & disclosure, stakeholder engagement and environment and climate change impact.

I am passionate about conservation and helping companies contribute meaningful business solutions to sustainability and climate change, what I take to be the greatest challenge in my lifetime and beyond.
Professionally, I have sustainability experience generating research and corporate writing on ESG at a leading think-tank and consulting for traceability for the smallholder palm oil supply chain. Beyond sustainability, I also have experience across both the public and private sector. My experience ranges from working as an Assistant Director at the Ministry of Trade & Industry overlooking economic issues and developing strategies at the national level, to private-sector experience in policy & business analysis for cutting-edge technologies and media & communications for leading companies and agencies.
I hold a Master of Public Policy from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy where I specialized in Economics and Development.

Person I most admire:
I personally admire Barack Obama the most for his leadership, humanity, and grit when taking it upon himself to enact positive change for the causes he believes in. Three books I’d recommend are his biographies, “Dreams from My Father”, “A Promised Land”, and Jeanne Marie Laskas’ “To Obama”. These books depict a leader who works tirelessly and against the odds for the betterment of his community and people – a spirit I respect and strive for in my personal life and in my work to help organisations in their sustainability journey.
There are many others that I respect too for their courage and relentless efforts, including Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew, primatologist and animal rights icon Jane Goodall, and anyone else who takes it upon themselves to parachute into a problem area and help make things better.