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Jane Gan

Associate Director

My experience prior to joining Corporate Citizenship spanned the commercial, public and non-profit sectors across various industries – supporting companies in enterprise risk management, commercial and strategic planning, championing social innovation and social enterprises, and independently consulting for brand and content development. I also worked pro-bono with various non-profits that focus on women empowerment and community. I hold a BSc in Economics and a MSc in Communication Management from Singapore Management University.

Areas of Expertise
At Corporate Citizenship, I have experience working across several of our service areas. I am especially interested in and have led projects on sustainability strategy and communication, community and social impact strategy and investment. I have worked with clients across the shipping and logistics, healthcare and pharmaceutical, education, real estate/REITs and insurance sectors.

Person I most admire:
People who have absolute conviction in pursuing what they believe in for the greater good. As a Singaporean, founding PM Lee Kuan Yew is definitely on my list, regardless of the sometimes unpopular things he did. Women leaders who show empathy, vulnerability but also strength in leadership – Michelle Obama and Jacinda Ardern. And, all the “small group of thoughtful, committed citizens (who) can change the world” as Margaret Mead said, “it’s the only thing that ever has.”