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Josh Kahn

Areas of Expertise:
I am a consultant at Corporate Citizenship, specialising in sustainability strategy and reporting. I have inside-out experience in sustainability, beginning my professional career within GRI and later becoming a sustainability consultant. I am passionate about helping transition the private sector to being responsible custodians of their impact.

Prior to joining Corporate Citizenship, I have worked as a management consultant across sustainability, social licence, social impact and risk communications. I have also interned at the Global Reporting Initiative in Amsterdam, where I was part of the digital services team. I completed a double degree of Commerce and Global Studies at Monash University, majoring in Sustainability and International Studies respectively. I am currently volunteering as a mentor to university students at Altiorem, an online sustainable finance library and resource centre dedicated to education on long term and purposeful allocation of capital.

Client and Project Experience:
I have experience in supporting sustainability reporting, circular economy strategy, stakeholder engagement and social impact evaluation. I have worked on both local and global projects, with expertise in health, agriculture and mining.

Person I most admire:
I am most inspired by people who are able to challenge systems collaboratively and inclusively, despite the vitriol they may face. Martin Luther King Jr comes to mind as a leader who was able to bring many different creeds and colours of people together to fight for change.