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Dr Mary Dodd

Senior Researcher

I joined Corporate Citizenship following policymaking at the Scottish Government, where I worked on developing policy and research on Just Transition to Net Zero principles and actions around transport use in Scotland. In this role, I contributed to driving forward the Just Transition agenda and implementing a cross-cutting policy portfolio which embedded JT at the core of Scottish climate action (both within and outside the SG), particularly through the Transport sector’s interventions in key areas of social policy.

As a political theorist, my academic work has focused on analysing modes of democratic participation in the public sphere. My doctoral thesis in International Relations – conducted at the University of St Andrews, where I was also an Associate Fellow of the Centre for Global Law and Governance – examined constitutionalism beyond legal codification, particularly by re-evaluating exercises of constituent power. I am a member of the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab, and of the St Andrews Network for Climate, Energy, Environment and Sustainability.

Person I most admire:
Sanna Marin and Mia Mottley, and all who show compassionate leadership and a hands-on approach to protecting our shared planet. Oh, and Carl Sagan – who reminded us so beautifully of our ‘responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known’.