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Russell Tay

Senior Analyst

Areas of Expertise:
At Corporate Citizenship, I work as a Senior Analyst specialising in sustainability strategy development, reporting and disclosure, and environment and climate change impact. I am passionate about helping companies on their journey to becoming more sustainable and purpose driven businesses.

Prior to joining Corporate Citizenship, I was a Manager at the Strategy Group, Prime Minister’s Office in Singapore working on policy research and analysis to formulate and review policies across various sectors, and to implement strategic government priorities. I also had a stint as an intern at Temasek as part of their sustainability policy team working on research and analysis of ESG trends and the development of sustainability methodologies. I graduated from the Singapore Management University with a Bachelor of Social Science majoring in Politics, Law and Economics, and Public Policy and Public Management.

Person I most admire:
I draw inspiration from the ancient Stoic Marcus Aurelius. As one of the most powerful men in the world at the time, he strove to uphold the virtues of courage, temperance, wisdom and justice. The book “Meditations”, a collection of his personal thoughts and writings, serves as a useful guide on how we can understand ourselves and face adversity as we navigate our complex world. In the same way Marcus Aurelius did, I hope to live an examined, measured and purposeful life. To always do what is right, and to seek wisdom and truth.