Climate resilience: Aligning disclosure with TCFD recommendations

Jan 29, 2021

The recommendations from the TCFD are a powerful tool. The TCFD framework supports businesses to asses climate resilience and identify and manage climate-related risks and opportunities. Which is why on Wednesday, 27th January we held a webinar on the Climate resilience: Aligning disclosure with TCFD recommendations. With thanks to our Vice President North America, Abby Davison and our experienced Environmental team: John-Mark Zywko, Joseph Payne, Sarah Kehoe and James Meacher for sharing TCFD recommendations and their thoughts about the evolving climate policy landscape.

In this webinar our experts covered:

  • The climate challenge ahead and shifts in the policy landscape
  • The what and why of TCFD and what is driving uptake
  • Examples of how businesses are responding
  • Complexities within the TCFD recommendations
  • Deep dive into climate scenario analysis
  • How operating models need to be adjusted