Climate Risk and Opportunity: Aligning to a low carbon economy Webinar

Sep 9, 2020

As the world starts to build back better our own international research has found that climate commitments remain – in fact there has been renewed commitment, as the expectations of stakeholders from investors to consumers have only increased.  However, in the UK, although the first major economy to pass net zero emissions law, there is still a gap between the carbon budget and where we need to be.

Which is why on Wed 29th July we held a webinar on the Climate Risk and Opportunity: Aligning to a low carbon economy.  With thanks to our very own expert panel, Henry Frankis-Pyle, James Meacher and the team lead, John-Marky Zywko, for sharing shared their thoughts on how to understand the risks and the opportunities as we transition to a low carbon economy.  In this session we covered three areas:

– How to increase your understanding of GHG emission accounting practices

– How to develop a credible strategy with targets

– How to respond to the TCFD recommendations

Our team received great feedback that the session was extremely useful with attendees gaining insight to help their business on their climate journey, whether that be starting out, through to scenario analysis or actioning a carbon abatement strategy. Nearly half the audience want to know more about TCFD recommendations and over a quarter want to know more about all three areas.  Our team have extensive experience working across all sectors and stages on the journey, so do please get in touch if you would like to talk through your climate risks and opportunities further.

– Australian Version available here

For more information, please contact us.