The Global Goals One Year on – Business Expectation vs. Action

Oct 6, 2016

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It’s been one year since the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched in New York, but how far has business come in addressing and taking action in that time?

Corporate Citizenship’s practitioner research, and conversations with business leaders across industries and sectors, reveals that although awareness of the Global Goals has increased greatly in the past year, business action on the Goals has been slow to follow.

One key stakeholder group is the millennials – the largest generation alive today, they will account for half of the global workforce by 2020 and are due to inherit approximately $40 trillion of assets from the Baby Boomer generation. Our new research suggests there is a missed opportunity here for business to build trust amongst this major stakeholder group, by taking action on the Global Goals and working to address and solve the world’s most pressing challenges.

In this webinar we share the results of our practitioner survey and millennials research, and also delve into the insights of business leaders across industries and sectors as they begin to address and tackle the Global Goals, identifying the challenges and opportunities ahead.

To speak to one of the team about how we can help you use the SDGs for growth and better business please get in touch via email, or call us on +44 (0)20 7861 1616