Science-Based vs Net-Zero Targets: How to meet stakeholder demands for climate ambition?

Oct 9, 2020

The terms “net-zero” and “science-based” are increasingly being used by companies setting targets to reduce this impact on climate change, however, at times it seems there is no consistency with what they actually mean. Understanding the right strategy for your organisation will ensure your target is keeping pace as the climate agenda moves at an ever-quickening pace. Which is why on Thursday, 8th October we held a webinar on the Science-Based vs Net-Zero Targets: How to meet stakeholder demands for climate ambition?. With thanks to our experienced Environmental team, James Meacher and Henry Frankis-Pyle for sharing their thoughts on how to understand the options available and highlighting potential pitfalls.

In this webinar we covered:
• How carbon targets have changed over the last 5 years

  • What “Net-Zero” means for businesses setting targets
    • The options available that will ensure your target is ambitious enough,
    and how to avoid accusations of “greenwash”
    • How to assess what is required to meet your target
    • The impact of Covid-19 on targets, baselines and reporting