How to Use Your CDP Data to Engage Investors

Dec 1, 2016

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Bridging the gap between Investor Relations and Corporate Responsibility can be a challenge for many organisations. In this webinar, Corporate Citizenship are joined by James Hulse, Head of Investor Initiatives at CDP and George Birch, Analyst, Governance and Responsible Investment at Henderson Global Investors as they discuss how organisations can use their CDP response and environmental data effectively to engage investors.

This insightful discussion addresses the following questions:

  • How the CDP response can be used more effectively both within organisations and externally to engage investors? – Led by James Hulse, Head of Investor Initiatives at CDP
  • How CSR and sustainability teams can work more effectively with their colleagues in investor relations, drawing on Corporate Citizenship’s recent research – Led by George Blacksell, Corporate Citizenship
  • How some investors are already using CDP climate change data to inform decision making and strategy – Led by George Birch, Analyst, Governance and Responsible Investment at Henderson Global Investors
  • Q&A

This webinar forms part of Corporate Citizenship’s Long Term Value Project which seeks to bridge the gap between Investor Relations and Corporate Responsibility.

Download the webinar presentation slides here.

If you would like to speak to one of the team about your environmental requirements please get in touch via email, or call our UK office on +44 (0)20 7861 1616.