Join our Live Online Circular Economy Q&A

Dec 19, 2014 | News

The full Q&A dialogue is available below this introduction – the questions and responses will remain on the website so do please keep adding your own questions and comments. A handy summary of the key points raised during the session can be found here.

Join Corporate Citizenship and a brilliant guest panel for a live online circular economy Q&A.

Sustainability consultants Corporate Citizenship will be joined by BT, BAM Construct, Riversimple and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation for a live online circular economy Q&A session on Thursday 8th January.

Following the release of Corporate Citizenship’s paper – Ahead of the Curve: How the Circular Economy can unlock Business Value and subsequent feedback, we are delighted to be hosting this Q&A session, in which participants can submit their circular economy related questions ahead of, or during, the Q&A session.

We will focus on four key themes, these are as follows:


  • Theme 1- Examples of innovative companies working towards the circular economy and how it’s making a difference to their business.
  • Theme 2- Ways to identify which circular interventions are best for your company/getting started
  • Theme 3- How can we start developing circular economy business models?
  • Theme 4- Exploring how to tackle key challenges /best steps forward


Meet the guest Q&A panel

Here are the industry experts who will be on hand to answer your circular economy questions.

Steven Moore – Net Good Consultant, BT

Steven for website

Patrick Andrews – Author, Business Advisor and former Head of Governance, Riversimple

Patrick for website

James O’Toole – Global Partnerships Manager, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

James for website

Megan DeYoung – Director, Corporate Citizenship

megan for website

Jesse Putzel – Senior Sustainability Manager, BAM Construct UK

Jesse for website


Karin Laljani – Managing Director, Corporate Citizenship

Karin Laljani for website

Arpita Raksit – Consultant and author of Ahead of the Curve, Corporate Citizenship

arpita for website


Click here to find out more about our panellists and the great work they are already doing to create movement towards the circular economy.

The Q&A session will take place in the comments box beneath this editorial post, this will run as a typed chat/posting conversation.

How to get involved:

  • Type your question into the comments box below – these will not show automatically but will instead be shared as the Q&A proceeds.
  • Tweet your question to @CCitizenship using #askcircular
  • Email questions directly to us at


Then join us live on the 8th January between 4:00PM – 5:00PM GMT when our panel will be answering as many of your questions as possible. Questions and answers will be typed into the comments boxes below.

We look forward to receiving your questions!