#IWD2018: Part 3 – Clodagh Connolly

Mar 7, 2018 | Blogs

In today’s instalment, we speak to Clodagh Connolly, LBG Senior Manager, on what International Women’s Day means to her.


What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

For me International Women’s Day is a celebration of how far women’s rights have come in the  100 years since women got the vote.  In that short time women have stepped out of the shadows and the kitchen.  Women have taken their place at the forefront of history from scientific breakthroughs, space exploration, boardroom success and everything in between.  We build our future on the foundations laid by pioneering brave women and celebrate the baton being passed to our next generation.


Have you experienced any negative gender-related issues in your career?

Having been called ‘dear’ in my earlier career, I’ve also been mistaken for admin support and asked to photocopy when chairing a Government appointed committee.  But the most negative came at the moment of one of my greatest personal triumphs (being conferred with a Master’s in Business Administration MBA at 9 months pregnant).   I overheard the comment “well that’s a waste of an education”.


What advice would you give your younger self as you started to navigate your career?

Value yourself and don’t measure yourself against others.  Try to take a positive lesson from your mistakes and don’t beat yourself up over them.


What would your hopes be for Women and specifically around the theme of #PressforProgress?

Women are still poorly represented at senior and board level in business, and work life balance and the cost of childcare is still an issue for working mothers, who through modelling their behaviour are influencing the next generation of leaders.