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Matías Aninat

Senior Researcher
Areas of Expertise
My expertise resides in evaluating programs with social impact, as well as developing strategies for stakeholder engagement. My work in different sectors has allowed me to help both public and private organizations to implement sustainable standards according to their own scope. I am very keen to undertake new investigations which can contribute to a better quality of life for everyone.

I am a sociologist with a Magister in Urban Development, from Universidad Católica de Chile. I also hold a Certificate III in Individual Support in Holmesglen Institute, in Melbourne. I have worked in Fundación PROHumana, a non-profit organization which focuses on designing and evaluating policies and practices that contribute to sustainability on the private sector. I have also collaborated in SENDA-Previene, a public agency, in which I was able to implement programs for drug prevention on a community basis.

Person I most admire:
I admire everyone who has managed to make a difference, and has contributed to a social cause without expecting a reward for it.


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