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Mitun Majumdar

Areas of Expertise
My main area of expertise is impact measurement with a particular focus on economic and social impact. This means working with companies to help them map, measure, communicate and improve the impacts they have through their business and value chain.
I also work with companies on developing their strategies, setting targets and KPIs, reporting and assurance.

I am an economist by background, having started my career in the UK government HM-Treasury. I also qualified as a chartered accountant and spent a number of years working at BDO, the financial services company. Prior to joining Corporate Citizenship 8 years ago, I worked in-house as a CR Adviser for BDO helping the company with developing, implementing and communicating its CR strategy.

Client and Project Experience:
My client relationships include Diageo, Richemont, Land Securities, Deutsche Bank and Barclays amongst others. My projects often involve helping companies to map and measure the impacts they generate through their core business, value chains and social investment. I also work with companies to conduct economic impact assessments and develop tailored impact measurement frameworks and toolkits.


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