ESG Bites: Getting ahead on the DJSI

Nov 9, 2022

The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), and the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) that determines entry therein, sit against a backdrop of a rising tide of expectations. From a regulatory perspective, mandatory reporting requirements for ESG issues are growing on a global scale, not to mention the continued interest in sustainability performance from investors. With ESG assets on track to exceed $50 trillion by 2025, inclusion in ESG funds such as the DJSI family provide material incentives not only to respond to the CSA, but to respond well. Moreover, given a company’s scores are in the public domain, it makes them a valuable resource to be used by not only asset managers and investors, but NGOs, academics, customers and employees.

In this webinar our in-house specialists Peter Truesdale and James Scott, covered:
• The material themes that emerge from the upcoming 2022 results;
• The implications of these findings for next year;
• Tips and tricks to ease the pressures of submission season.