Gender diversity in the workplace

Feb 27, 2018


A growing body of research shows that gender diverse companies tend to become more profitable, be more dynamic, and make better decisions. With increasing attention on gender parity from the Sustainable Development Goals and HeForShe initiative as well as growing scrutiny around the gender pay gap, companies are asking us how they can create more inclusive work environments. In this webinar, we are joined by Vodafone’s Head of Organisational Effectiveness for AMAP Region, Jan Bibby, to explore how companies can take action to support gender diversity in the workplace and across their value chain.


  • Richard Phillips, Senior Researcher, Corporate Citizenship
  • Cathy Moscardini, Consultant, Corporate Citizenship
  • Jan Bibby, Head of Organisational Effectiveness for AMAP Region, Vodafone

You can download a copy of the presentation here.