Respecting Human Rights Across Your Value Chain Through a Living Wage/Income

Oct 18, 2022

On the 11th of October, we hosted a webinar on the importance of living wage as essential for business and why it should be embedded within any corporate human rights due diligence approach. We heard from industry and civil society stakeholders about the business case for living wage, where are these opportunities, and how can companies make meaningful change for their workers.

In this session we covered:

  • Building a common understanding between the different terms used for living wage/income
  • Clearly articulating why living wage/income is at the core of respecting human rights
  • Understanding the gendered impacts of living wage and income
  • Gathering best practices from diverse stakeholders in their goal of promoting the issue
  • Providing participants with tangible steps they can take to drive a living wage/income agenda
  • UNGC microsite on living wage
  • For more information about Living Wage for US



Griet Cattaert, Head of Labor Rights, UN Global Compact

Lisa Manley, VP Sustainability, Mars

Michelle Murray, CEO, Living Wage for US

Moderator: Sarah Zoen, Associate Director, Corporate Citizenship