
Impact Study for the Largest Sugar Producer in Africa


Illovo Sugar, the largest sugar producer in Africa and part of Associated British Foods Group came to Corporate Citizenship with the challenge of understanding the difference it was making through its socio-economic contribution in the countries and communities it was operating within.

Their objective was to have a valuable tool with which to understand the business’ footprint better and engage more proactively with external stakeholder groups.


Corporate Citizenship delivered an ambitious impact assessment, looking at Illovo’s economic, social and wider impacts across six African countries – Zambia, South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Swaziland and Tanzania.

The assessment involved mapping the business’ value chain to understand the key stakeholders involved across its operations and analysing the economic, social and environmental impacts created by the business. As well as reviewing key financial and business data, we conducted site visits to interview people impacted by the business – farmers, local businesses, and community leaders. 


Our impact reports provided a robust and engaging analysis to demonstrate how Illovo Sugar has contributed to economies and wider job creation, as well as made a difference to communities and individual livelihoods. Our recommendations have supported the Group’s wider sustainability and business strategy.