LBG Annual Review 2016: Driving Community Investment

Oct 27, 2016


October 2016

LBG is the global standard for measuring corporate community investment and philanthropy. LBG’s measurement framework is used by organisations around the world to effectively measure, report and communicate their social contributions and investments. The 2016 Annual Review reveals that in 2015/2016 LBG member companies* contributed US$ 3.3 billion to community and philanthropic investments – reaching 65 million beneficiaries.

The report also reveals a shift in how LBG member companies are approaching their community investment programmes, as the majority of resources contributed by companies now centre on a discrete number of larger-scale, longer-term projects run in partnership with community organisations with mutually agreed objectives. Through the data we see how companies in the LBG network are thinking seriously about the causes and issues that are of most relevance to their businesses. Mobilisation of the workforce and employee engagement is also on the rise and not only are communities benefiting from investment from business, but the report found that 41% of employee volunteers improved their skills as a result of participating in community projects and programmes.

Click here to download the review.

To find out more about the LBG measurement framework and the LBG network, please visit the website or get in touch.

*168 member companies disclosed data for the LBG Annual Review.