Leader Insights Series: Business Action on the Sustainable Development Goals

Aug 22, 2016

One year on from the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Corporate Citizenship has interviewed leaders across sectors and industries to discuss the opportunities and challenges the SDGs pose one year on. These discussions feed into our new report entitled ‘Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals: Business Action and Millennials’ Views‘, which explores how stakeholder expectations of business have changed in light of the new Global Goals. Click onto the image cards below to access the full interviews.

Mike Tuffrey Business Action on the SDGs


Danny Sriskandarajah Business Action on the SDGs















Priya Madina Business Action on the SDGs






Catherine Howarth Business Action on the SDGs












Mark C Weick Business Action on the SDGs









Winnie Byanyima Business Action on the SDGs











Natasha Parker Business Action on the SDGs










Hugo von Meijenfeldt Business Action on the SDGs








Francis West Business Action on the SDGs Twitter