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James Scott

Areas of Expertise
I’m a serial generalist who’s worked in several sectors with project management, stakeholder engagement, and strategy development & implementation. At Corporate Citizenship I work in the ESG Advisory team, helping deliver projects for a range of clients.

I finished my Master’s degree at Cambridge in Classics, which led to quite a meandering route into CC! After university I spent nearly a year in Jordan where I volunteered at a social enterprise NGO promoting free dialogue in Amman, then an eco-tourism company working to bring sustainable development to rural areas.
Back in the UK I went on to a large Japanese bank where I worked in the project management office delivering internal change, then to a strategy consulting firm specialising in innovation for large multinationals before joining CC in 2021.

Client and Project Experience:
I’ve worked in the third sector managing fundraising for social enterprise, and within the private for FTSE 100s on projects in financial services, utilities, manufacturing & transport.

Person I most admire:
As a Classicist I really have to go back a bit (two and a half thousand years!) to the Greek woman Telesilla, who was a poet & musician from the city of Argos. When her city was invaded by Sparta and all the fighting men had been killed, she marshalled the women together and defeated the invaders.
In celebration of her triumph, Argos held an annual ceremony where the men dressed as women, and the women as men – perhaps teaching us a lesson today that diversity has always been a strength to be celebrated.


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