Hard Outcomes or Hollow Promises? Realising the True Impact of Corporate Community Investment

May 13, 2016


MAY 2016

New research published by Corporate Citizenship reveals a surprising and sizeable gap between corporate aspirations and reality when it comes to corporate community investment (CCI). Based on the insights of more than 130 sustainability and corporate responsibility practitioners around the world we found that three quarters of companies aspire to achieve long-term impact with their corporate community investment; but less than one quarter currently feel that their organisation is delivering on the promise. This is because less than one in four are measuring their long-term impacts on the community and benefits to the business.

This report helps companies to close the impact-aspiration gap by overcoming challenges and barriers to community investment measurement. The report guides practitioners through the I.M.P.A.C.T approach, to effectively measure community investment impacts – creating benefits for both business and society.

Click here to download the report.