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Chloe Good

Associate Director
Areas of Expertise
I have broad experience providing consultancy support for clients across sustainability, corporate responsibility and communications, with a particular interest in delivering sustainability engagement strategies that help advance commercial objectives.Background:
Before joining Corporate Citizenship I have worked for several different global consultancies over the years, advising a broad range of clients on sustainability strategy and communications. I have a BA in Biological Sciences from the University of Oxford and an MSc in Science Communication from Imperial College London, which provided me with a passion for communicating complex scientific subjects in creative ways.

Client and Project Experience:
I have experience developing sustainability strategies and communications campaigns for clients across a variety of different sectors, including FMCG, retail, healthcare and hospitality. I have also worked to communicate climate science and policy for the United Nations, CDP and the Royal Society.

Person I most admire:
Sir David Attenborough for bringing the wonders of the natural world to every living room TV. There are few people who have played such a key role in making science and sustainability accessible and engaging for a broad range of different audiences. Also the production team for Blue Planet II specifically, which as a series has caused such a significant shift in global awareness of ocean plastic and the impact of our consumer choices on the planet.


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