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Laurien Callens

Areas of Expertise:
I joined the ESG Advisory team at CC as a researcher. I am mainly interested in completing market research and forming strategies for businesses to implement sustainability and make an impactful change.

I have an MSc in Business Economics from the University of Leuven (Belgium), where I majored in International Business, Strategy and Innovation. During my degree, I studied multiple topics on international management, where my passion for strategy building and implementation grew. Additionally, I participated in a social impact project for a school in Uganda. As part of this, I had to create a strategy to generate sustainable income. After graduating, I decided to continue my academic career by completing a PGDip in International Relations at Queen Mary, University of London. During this, I analysed different topics related to sustainability in the international political context.

Person I most admire:
I admire Dr Sylvia Earle and her mission to protect the ocean. Because of her work, particularly her documentary Mission Blue, I became passionate about sustainability and making thoughtful choices for the planet.


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