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Germán Saenz

Areas of Expertise
My passion is to help companies unlock business value by creating a productive relationship with their key stakeholders and aligning their economic, social and environmental impacts. I particularly enjoy the strategic challenge of devising ways to contribute to the business, while simultaneously enabling the business to contribute to a better world.

I hold an MA in Business Administration from Universidad Católica de Chile, and an MSc in Development Management from London School of Economics. For over 20 years I worked on the client side (as Corporate Affairs Manager for P&G and Samsung), and I am proud of having led their transformation into active corporate citizens in Chile and Latin America. Earlier in my career I was part of the “Servicio País” program that enables young professionals to foster development in rural, isolated areas of Chile. I am also proud to follow the family tradition of serving in the Board of “Hogar Español”, a non-profit residence for seniors.

Client & Project experience:
I have a broad range of expertise across multiple industries, with particular focus on financial services, mining, retailing and consumer goods. In terms of services, I have led (and thoroughly enjoyed) several sustainability strategy projects, socio-economic impact studies, and have also in-depth experience in sustainability benchmarking, specifically Dow Jones Sustainability Index.

Person I most admire:
I admire consistency, and I deeply respect those who have the courage to stay true to their principles and beliefs, particularly in the hard times.


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