Materiality 2020 – Time to hit the reset button?

Oct 1, 2020

2020 has been a year of seismic events that have fundamentally changed the business landscape.  Never have global challenges – including climate change, cyber risks, Covid-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement – affected so many businesses and sectors, as quickly, and as deeply.

Which is why on Wednesday 30th September we explored the implications of these challenges on businesses and how companies should re-prioritise their material risks and opportunities. Our experienced consultants Rupali Patni and Katie Vrylandt shared their thoughts on how the events of 2020 are shaping the environmental, social and governance (ESG) landscape; the changing views and expectations of key stakeholders and how business is responding. And our expert panel of directors and co-founders of Corporate Citizenship, Amanda Jordan, Mike Tuffrey and Peter Truesdale, discussed the implications and responded to questions from the audience.